SUISSIMAGE Annual Report 2010

On 29 April 2011 the General Assembly of SUISSIMAGE approved the annual report 2010.

The 2010 income amounts to CHF 49‘810‘000, having decreased by 1.12% in comparison to the previous year. It is above all the Private Copy monies which have dropped, not because less private copies are being made, but due to the sinking prices of the blank carriers and pending complaints against tariff authorisations by the Federal Arbitration Board. Fortunately, the income from joint tariff 12 (remuneration for granting of right to use set-top-boxes with memory) has increased.

Besides the ordinary distribution, SUISSIMAGE carried out subsequent payments in various areas and forwarded payments from abroad to its members.

Of each incoming CHF, 93 cents were remitted to film makers in Switzerland and abroad.

Please find the annual report in German and French here: Rapport Annuel 2010

Jean-François Amiguet

"It's often in emergencies that I need the SSA’s services. I appreciate the exceptional availability of its staff members."