Welcome to the website of the five Swiss collective rights management organisations!

As self-help organisations established under private law, we make it our task to ensure that all artists – from amateurs to world stars – are fairly remunerated for the use of their works. The basis for this is provided by the tariffs that we negotiate with industry, the scientific community and broadcasters. On the strength of these, we collect the payments and distribute them among the rightholders in Switzerland and abroad.

Our tasks, rights and duties are set out in detail in the Federal Copyright Law and in international agreements. We are supervised by the Federal Government. The members of our cooperatives and associations, that is to say the artists themselves, have the final say in the management.


Session letter summer 2024

Swisscopyright, the umbrella organisation of the five collecting societies in Switzerland, presents the session letter summer 2024 with short articles about the copyright (the letter is available in German and French).

» moreto article: Session letter summer 2024

Session letter spring 2024

Swisscopyright, the umbrella organisation of the five collecting societies in Switzerland, presents the session letter spring 2024 with short articles about the copyright (the letter is available in German and French).

» moreto article: Session letter spring 2024

Adrian Frutiger

"If it weren't for SUISA, I wouldn't be able to do what I love doing. Producers do not generally pay much for the music. So rights management accounts for a large portion of my income."